+386 2 754 02 00

Training program

Education program at the Institute includes a tailored program for preschool children and special education programs. Both programs are designed for children and young people with intellectual disabilities. Our students take part in special education programs until they reach 26 years of age. This program is carried out in the daily and full-day format.

In organising education, we observe the rules of education.

The main tool of direct approach is an integrated individualized program, which is especially made for each student and carried out and checked by the habilitation team.

In addition to standard methods and procedures in the special and rehabilitational pedagogical work, various other methods and procedures are used as well, such as:

  • Behaviour modification,
  • Gestalt technique,
  • Basic stimulation,
  • Body language technique,
  • Work with animals,
  • Vibro-acoustic therapy,
  • Creative, movement and drama therapy, etc.

Students who are older than 18 years are included in the process of preparation for life and work. In addition to using classrooms to meet the needs of education, various cabinets are available for the following:

  • Music education,
  • Arts education,
  • Labour education,
  • Computing,
  • Hydrotherapy and
  • Household lessons.

Life is enriched by the use of multi-sensory cabinets (Snoezelen), gym, riding stable, sports fields and the zoo.