+386 2 754 02 00

Care and Protection

Medical service consists of the department of nursing, department of medical rehabilitation, and the department of primary and secondary health care.

The Institute has a general clinic, where basic health care in the field of preventive and curative medical care is provided by a specialist in pediatrics. Users of the all-day care have their personal physician at the Institute. The activity takes place on the primary level.

In the context of health services, we also cooperate with other specialist services.The Institute hosts a paedopsychiatry specialist doctor, a specialist in physical medicine and a specialist in physical and rehabilitation medicine. We are constantly professionally associated with other health institutions.

Nursing is an integral part of healthcare activities at the Institute. It is performed in all work units.

Care of people with intellectual disabilities and people with head injuries is a professional field of work, which requires a lot of additional knowledge, experience and skills from health professionals, because these persons have additional needs resulting from various disorders and acute or chronic diseases.

The starting point for work is to determine the needs for health care and planning the implementation of the health care process. Health care is performed under the process method of work.

Health care activities are performed by:

  • Nurses,
  • Medical technician,
  • Nurses/carers.

Functions of nurses:

  • Organizing, coordinating and monitoring the performance of health care at the work unit,
  • Organizing, coordinating and monitoring the performance of health care at the work unit for persons with acute and chronic illnesses,
  • Admission of a person (identification of needs for nursing care upon admission);
  • Performing nursing in the work unit, evaluation of the results of nursing, documentation,
  • Cooperation and implementation of advanced medical and technical interventions upon order or instructions of a doctor,
  • Management, partial or full assistance in all life activities,
  • Health education of users.


The work of the nursing team is continuous and lasts for 24 hours every day of the year.
We are trying to meet the needs of our residents so that they feel good and safe, they are respected and treated as separate personalities with specific needs. Nurses, together with their colleagues, want their residents to embellish every moment of their life and to enjoy with them every success and progress.